New Flash Cards

by Kay on September 15, 2014

If you really want to learn anything when it comes to literature, music, or science, you have to study. Fortunately, the flash card maker and the 15 new flash cards at make it easy to memorize your own information, or to learn new things from the flash cards that others have made.

The flash card maker is perfect for students who are trying to brush up on or learn any subject. An unlimited number of facts, dates, and translations can be entered into the generator, and then printed as flash cards. Users can choose from four or six cards to a page. They’re perfect for learning a language, memorizing historical dates, and studying for tests.

Some of the recent additions include music terminology flash cards, history, age, the circulatory system, social hierarchy, science facts on microbiology and ecology, and literature flash cards on poetry and nouns.

There are now 307 flash cards available at that span everything from currency to geography to language. They’re all free to print as PDFs, and they download instantly.

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